Our Program


Muay Thai Academy International specializes in teaching offensive combat and defensive tactics. For us, fighting is not a sport or an art. It is the means to survive violent confrontations. We don’t do ring fighting, tournaments, programs for children, or “cardio kickboxing.” We will teach you how to apply combat for survival, period. Most of the core training is based on Old Style Muay Thai (Muay Chao Chur) and Military Style Muay Thai (Lerdrit).
Interested members of the Academy may receive training in Close Quarter Combat Tactics (CQCT) after they have reached a level of proficiency that has been deemed sufficient by the Principal Instructors. Please read the “Development” category below for more information.
One distinguishing aspect of the Academy is the emphasis on the psychological and mental development of an individual going through combat application. Our Instructors are well-versed and experienced to teach our students how to manage high levels of fear, stress, and adrenaline.
Due to the serious nature of the practical combat application that we teach, only individuals over the age of 18 are eligible for enrollment.


During all hours of operation, Instructors of the Academy are scheduled to supervise the floor throughout the day. The training structure encourages students to learn on their own time and pace through a personalized program which will impart techniques and get the student in shape. Progress is tracked through periodic evaluations based on the student’s private training log which is kept in-house.
With that being said, the Academy maintains a published schedule of daily training hours catered to members with flexible schedules. Students are not restricted to any particular blocks of time and hence are allowed to receive an unlimited amount of training for just a flat fee.
The Academy often hosts specific formal classes, workshops, and seminars to provide the members a specific body of knowledge within a short period of time. Usually these classes run an hour up to four hours. Almost all workshops are offered to the members of the Academy at no added cost, however at times guest instructors are hosted at our Academy for nominal fees.


Our current schedule is as follows:
Monday through Thursday: 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM Supervised and Instructed Training
Friday: 5:00 to 9:00 PM Open Floor Training (unsupervised)
Saturday & Sunday: Closed


Students who are successful with our program tend to be self-motivated by nature. As such, they are encouraged to learn at their own pace in order to maximize mastery in their development. Students will monitor their progress (from beginner to expert and/or instructor level) through their own training log, kept in-house, and be periodically evaluated by instructors on the floor.
As students develop in their foundational Old Style Muay Thai skills, they may be promoted to more advanced training techniques (such as Close Quarter Combat Tactics) and participate in more contact drills.
Interested members of the Academy may receive training in Close Quarter Combat Tactics (CQCT) after they have reached a level of proficiency that has been deemed sufficient by the Principal Instructors. Traditionally this advanced combative training has been reserved for law enforcement, military, and high-risk operators. The Schola Training Group has many years of past performance contracting with defense departments and agencies of multiple nation states, teaching various levels of our unarmed, bladed, and impact weapon close quarter combat tactics system.


Muay Thai Academy International provides a well equipped, but modest training facility and almost all training gears necessary to members with the exception of certain personal training items.
There is no set uniform or belt ranking system at the Academy. Instead we recommend you wear comfortable workout clothing. Shoes are fine, but please make sure they are clean for our floors. We do, however, prefer boxing or martial art shoes.


The Academy runs it’s business operations similar to a non-profit entity, where the focus does not lie toward a profit making effort. So much so, that it has not increased it’s fees for the last 20 years. Hence, it remains one of the most economic training programs in the Bay Area. 
Other than a one time enrollment fee, expect to pay fixed monthly rate for unlimited training, depending on a 6-month or 12-month commitment. There are no hidden fees. All members receive unlimited access to the facility during hours of operation. 
NOTE: We do not offer month-to-month plans at this time. 

If you are interested in a tour of the facility, schedule a no-obligation appointment via e-mail now or call us at (408)-216-0004!